


Seamless Payments Drive Growth.

Increase sales conversion with Spring by Citi

  • Create embedded experiences

  • Offer local payment methods

  • Reduce fraud risk

Want a preview of Spring by Citi?

Integrating with Spring by Citi

Choose the integration method that’s the best fit for your business

Direct Payment

Direct payment lets you control the layout and styling of your payment page.

Do you want full control of the entire payment experience?

Click through to see what the consumer experience could look like by using this integration option.


Hosted Session

Are you looking to reduce PCI compliance exposure but still want full control of the entire payment experience?

Hosted Session still lets you control the layout and styling of your payment page while leaving the sensitive payment data to Spring by Citi.

Click through to see what the consumer experience could look like by using this integration option.


Hosted Checkout Lightbox

Do you want us to host the payment page for you?

Hosted Checkout Lightbox collects all payment details through a hosted payment interface that is submitted directly from your consumer’s browser to the gateway. This all happens without the consumer ever leaving your website.

Click through to see what the consumer experience could look like by using this integration option.


Hosted Checkout Payment Page

Do you want us to host the payment page for you?

Hosted Checkout Payment Page collects all payment details through a hosted payment interface that is submitted directly from your consumer’s browser to the gateway. This all happens on a redirected Spring by Citi payment page.

Click through to see what the consumer experience could look like by using this integration option.


Payments made easy

Spring by Citi simplifies payment acceptance

  • Flexible integration methods matched to your needs

  • Centralized reporting across payment methods

  • Transparent data to optimize performance and costs

Want a preview of Spring by Citi?


Spring by Citi is available for pilot in the United States and United Kingdom, Mexico and Canada. Upcoming markets include Brazil, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden.

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Alipay, WeChat Pay and Klarna Pay Later.

Spring by Citi is a full-stack solution that provides access to payment gateway technology, card acquiring, locally relevant payment methods, funds settlement, reconciliation and reporting – all in one. This bank offered solution is offered under a simplified contract, integrated with other Citi products and is tailored to meet your needs.